"Patagonia, She Is A Harsh Mistress!"
We spent awhile walking around the waterfront, which is littered with tufts of wool and sheep carcasses marking the remains of an old slaughterhouse. Eventually the wind (which is difficult to stand up in) started driving us crazy, so we decided to see if an asado would cheer us up. A kind butcher in town pulled a lamb down off a meat hook and cut us generous portions with a bone saw. After acquiring carbon and a copy of last week's (month's?) paper for tinder, we were rolling.
Things picked up immensely in early evening, when a woman who leads wildlife boat tours swung by our campsite and asked if we wanted to see penguins. A tall, stoic man wearing gaiters gave us piggy-back rides into the surf, dropping us into a speedy, lightweight Zodiac craft. Minutes later we were on a long gravel bar snapping photos of fluffy penguin chicks and trying not to let the wind blow us into any nests. After reboarding the boat, we zoomed over to where Thomas Doughty was hanged to watch cormorrants, terns, and steamer ducks fly and waddle about. The birds fly in long, frustrated arcs every time the wind gusts, which is often.

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