
Mmmmm, sea of garlic.

As Nate mentioned, it's far too warm here to feel terribly christmasy. It is in fact too warm to even stay in the city, so we're bailing to spend Christmas at Mar de Ajo, a beach town five hours south of Buenos Aires. Mar de Ajo apparently does not mean "sea of garlic," but instead refers to the Ajo tribe of Native Americans who populated the region, but I prefer to imagine that we'll be swimming in a sea of garlic. Our host family owns an apartment there, and they suggested, somewhat insistently, that we should spend a week there. We'll never know whether this was out of kindness or just to get us out of the house. Whatever their motivation, I've been looking forward to spending a week at the beach, doing some swimming and sunbathing.

We quizzed the girls, Vicky and Lara, on what we might expect at Mar de Ajo. Both girls prefer Mar de Ajo to the quinta. According to Lara, the primary attractions of Mar de Ajo are: delicious chocolate, great alfajores makers, and tasty bread. Also, delicious pizza. She recommended that we spend Christmas at the pizzeria.


At 12:54 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

have a good christmas guys..eat a slice or two for me.


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