It seems like only yesterday that I was writing about not wanting a gigantic, fatty, sizzling steak for lunch. And here I am, about to write about having a gigantic, fatty, sizzling steak for lunch. On Friday, after spending an hour in line at the Correo Central, Emily and I decided to treat ourselves to––yes! you guessed it! Gigantic, fatty, sizzling steaks! We headed to a tiny café in San Telmo to enjoy vacio, bife de chorizo, choripan, and papas fritas. We also decided to go the extra mile and blow $3.25 on a liter of wine. What we weren’t prepared for, however, was our very first penguino sighting. Our gruff waiter delivered our vino tinto in the most charming penguin pitcher that either of us had either seen. Not even Emily’s astute observation that it looked like the penguin was vomiting blood was enough to ruin it. We hope that this is the first of many penguino sightings to come. Stay tuned. –NSH
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