We've decided to set up this blog as a way to transmit stories and pictures from our time in Argentina. We figure it's a convenient way for friends and family members to check in on our travels. The blog's title refers to a film that we saw on one of our first nights in Argentina.
Malba (Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires) hosts regular screenings, and on this particular night their schedule listed a showing of
El Circo Fantasma, a film by
Elia Kazan. As it turns out,
El Circo Fantasma (
The Ghost Circus) is the Spanish title for Kazan's 1953 film
Man On A Tightrope. However, the print was so badly damaged that--despite our meager Spanish--the subtitles were more useful for making sense of the narrative action than the muffled dialogue. This odd disconnect seemed somehow representative of the absurdity of our situation. Hence, "El Circo Fantasma!" -NSH
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